Fiona Hedges: Cello, double bass & piano teacher in West Oxford

Fiona Hedges A.R.C.M., M.A. (Oxon), P.G.C.E., F.I.S.M.

Music Lessons in West Oxford for children and adults. 

Weekly, fortnightly, and occasional lessons in :

Cello - beginners and returners, all ages, all levels.

Double Bass (classical, French bow, stand to play) - from age 8, beginners and returners, to Grade 8.

Piano - all ages, beginners and returners, to Grade 8 plus.

Grade 5 ABRSM Theory of Music, taught topic by topic, not grade by grade. (Students should have a piano keyboard at home.)

Keyboard Harmony skills.

Registered Stringbabies® teacher, offering cellobabies®, and Stringbabies® double bass lessons.

Reading music from scratch via descant recorder.

Regular and occasional piano duet, cello duo and cello trio sessions.

I prep, accompany, and do aural training for music exams to Grade 8. 

I am the accompanist for Cumnor Choral Society

Teacher of piano, cello, double bass, recorder (formerly also of class & harmony) at Rye St Antony School, Oxford 1981-2024. 

Teacher of classical double bass & piano at Headington Prep School 1996-2016.

My adult pupils are variously employed, self-employed & retired. 

My school-age pupils are at Christ Church, OHS, Matthew Arnold, Headington Rye Oxford, Cherwell, St Andrews, Wheatley Park,  Bartholomew, Europa, & Cotswold (Bourton, Glocs) Schools.

I have former pupils now &/or recently graduated at NYO, Jnr-RAM, Cambridge (Uni Music), RWCMD & RNCM.

I am a Fellow of the Independent Society of Musicians, and I have ISM Registered Private Teacher status which requires me having DBS Enhanced Disclosure and adhering to their teaching codes of practice. 

Contract: e-mail - phone - 01865 242797

My teaching philosophy in a nutshell:

We all develop musical skills in different ways. Holistic learning gives better and longer-lasting results than "learning" parrot-fashion, so I do not "teach to the test." Why be hot-housed for an exam if you can't repeat the performance a short time later?

I welcome adult students: it's never too late to start or resume playing an instrument. There are never enough hours in the day, so all I ask of my adult students is that they practise whenever possible, ideally little and often, that they do their best and don't fret that their best is not good enough, and that they enjoy the process.

For availability and cost, contact: 01865 242797


From an adult piano student, January 2024: 

"Your lessons have been a source of great inspiration and joy so I can't thank you enough."

From an adult piano pupil, October 2023: 

" I have loved my time with you but acknowledge that my performance skills have not improved dramatically and my lack of recall of theory is painful. You are the most marvellous tutor and I have enjoyed your teaching very much. I shall still sit at the piano and hamfistedly play my way through favourite pieces for no-one’s pleasure except mine 🙂 ... I’m sure you will never lack for pupils.!"

From an adult bass pupil, Christmas 2018: 

"How can you thank a teacher? Apart from the fun and friendship of my double bass lessons, I've come away with skills and understanding that I can take with me into all areas of my musical kaleidoscope - and that's a wonderful thing.   So - a huge 'thank you' Fiona for your excellent teaching!"

From the mother of a Y1 pupil at the end of his first term of piano lessons, 2016: 

"Dearest Fiona, Thanks for your lovely teaching and the fun N. has at lessons"

From the mother of a Y13 pupil at the end of 14 years of their family piano lessons: 

"Dear Fiona....huge thanks for serving the M. family so well for so long. We'll miss you" J, P, H, J & R.

From the music teacher parent of a Grade 8 violin candidate July 2017: 

"Thank you SO much for your help with E. – he really valued it especially the second session you gave him on the Bach... he’s a good musician and your encouragement worked wonders! We were delighted you could accompany him."

From the mother of a Grade 3 trumpet candidate I accompanied July 2017: 

"Thanks again for your support - I really appreciated the way you made him so comfortable."

From the mother of a Y8 pupil re practice sessions on piano & bass- Xmas 2016: 

"Thank you so much for all your help, kindness & brilliance re M. - we are all very grateful.

From a Y13 girl now studying music at Conservatoire - Summer 2016: 

"Thank you for all the amazing accompanying you have done for me! I have loved it! From S..

From the mother of a Y8 boy I accompanied, Easter 2017: 

"Thank you so much for helping him with this exam and also for the excellent tips in aurals. He got 8/10 for these.   I am sure that he would be keen to learn theory with you.....   Thanks again - you always give us both so much confidence and reassurance.  ."

From a pupil leaving junior school: 

"Thank you for being a fantastic cello teacher; I have learnt so much from you, and also for all the support you gave me. Thank you for all your encouragement and helping me get my grade 1 distinction..."

From the mother of an ex-pupil: 

"Dear Fiona, It has not been an easy decision, but H. has decided to stop having double bass lessons after next term.  His life is taking him in other directions, but the one joy is, he will always be able to pick up his bass and play it!  This is thanks to your wonderful teaching, you have filled him with great passion for the instrument and you were a rare find when we stumbled across you!  I am SO glad we did.

There are not enough words for me to say what we both think of you, but I only wish there were more teachers like you out there with such a genuine desire and love to teach.  Keep up the good work, I know you put a lot of hours into what you do, but they broke the mould when they made you."